Mildly Gigantic

Mild, moderate or spicy - how do you like your hot sauce? Currently I'm on Batch Two from Peckham Sauce Co. and it is yummy as. It's a fermented hot sauce, which for the past six or seven weeks I've been thinking is an incredibly unique and wonderfully rare feat, only to discover (today) that both Tabasco and Siracha hot sauces are fermented and that unicorns aren't real. Still, its a great sauce worth getting excited about.
Mild beers, on the other Left Handed Giant, have never been such a source of excitement for me. Our current situation here in the UK has brought on an unexpected longing for a malty hand-pulled beverage served in a dim-lit corner of a dim-lit pub that opens up onto a dim-lit mews, but normally I don't have such cravings. Several (300+) years ago, Mild referred to the fact that the beer was fresh, as opposed to aged. Today it more or less means mild-er than a bitter (so less bitter).
I've been avoiding malt forward beers for a few years (I had a bad experience with a Vitamalz in Berlin), but I still really like malted milkshakes, single malts, and maltesers, so let's see how this goes...
Left Handed Giant | Dark Mild
Alc 4.0% | Canned on 2.2.2021
Deep brown.
Instant coffee hiding behind marshmallow, caramel and raisin.
Drink it really cold with a big head and you might think its a pint of diet cola. Let it warm up and take a big gulp for roasted Brazil nuts and an ashtray finish.
I'm enjoying this much more than I thought I would. It's pretty malty but there's enough going on to distract me from it. Nice mouthfeel (from the oats?) and the finish finishes quick and dry. Highly drinkable and I think a really good representation of the style. Judges might look for slightly less alcohol and slightly less carbonation (as if from a cask) but having more of both of those things suits me just fine.